He shrugs it off one way or another. Our district uic is not really interested - I think he'd like to, but he's not really driven to buck the way things are. I think I irritated my state uic a few years ago with some comments I made about this situation so I don't think I have an ally there - and our district commissioner is the heir-apparent to be the next state commissioner, so our state uic won't do any kind of battle with him either. It is very frustrating, but I choose to live where I live, so I live with it.
I suppose that I'll have to go to another group to work a national. Heck, two have told me to just register & they'll invite me. And I'm moving up the list to work a men's world championship. Now, I'm just hoping that the knees hold up long enough for me to get there & do well.
Steve M