Men's church league game last night - ASA rules.
Bases loaded, 1 out. B4 hits a base hit to shallow right-center. R1 scores easily. R2 attempts to score. F2 has the plate partially blocked on a very close play. Throw arrives a fraction of a second ahead of the runner. Runner lowers his shoulder, and lands a big shot on the catcher, shoulder first on the side of the catcher's head. Ball comes loose. I call dead ball, call the runner out, and eject said runner for USC. Offensive coach goes nuts. R2 claims he meant to slide, but he tripped and fell forward, leading to the collision. My response is "if you don't slide, and there's a collision like that, you're done." Any thoughts? Did I react too harshly?
FYI...the catcher stayed in the game, but I found out he later went to the hospital to have his left knee looked at. Torn meniscus, minor surgery required.
"Much of being smart is knowing what you're stupid at."