Luke, I never said the umpire is responsible for knowing how many innings the kid plays. )BTW, the MPR rule also includes a requirement that the player complete one AB, defined as entering the box with a 0-0 count and either being put out or reaching base.)
Tee said it isn't an umpire's job. I was responding to that thought.
I said that the lineup card is evidence and that keeping it IS the umpires job.
I also posted the LL rules that said, in LL at least, an umpire IS responsible for preventing protests if possible.
In LL, an umpire has responsibilities that he doesn't have in other organizations. Many experienced LL umpires DO keep track of when a sub was made. When they enter it on their card they note the inning (like T5, B3, or whatever). It is necessary, not only for the MPR rules, but for the substitution rules, pitching rules, and the SPR rule.
If you don't want to do LL games, fine.
If you don't understand LL rules and don't care to learn because you don't do LL, fine.
But then don't interject yourself into situations you don't understand.
[Edited by Rich Ives on Jun 27th, 2005 at 08:52 AM]
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong