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Old Mon Jun 27, 2005, 07:19am
mikesears mikesears is offline
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Location: Bloomington, IL
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Rule 8-5-2c:
It is a safety when a player on offense commits any foul for which the penalty is accepted and enforcement is from a spot in his end zone;
Two spots must be determined when a foul occurs.

Basic spot.

Spot of the foul

The enforcement spot for any foul will be either one of these two spots. 3-and-1 or all-but-one states that all fouls (EXCEPT ONE TYPE OF FOUL) are enforced from the basic spot. The one type of foul NOT enforced from the basic spot is a foul by the offense that occurs behind the basic spot. THIS ONE FOUL is then enforced from the spot of the foul. 8-5-2c applies to a hold by the offense in the endzone.

Mike Sears
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