Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
Are you admitting that they were bad calls or is that just his words?
Oh LOL, yeah, those were his words. I thought there was little wrong with my officiating that game.
Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
Brian, you know you can't make bad calls when there could possibly be a Jr. High Scout in the building looking at those young-uns. I'm guessing they were youngsters if you working on a Wed night. Was this at TPF?
Yeah, it was at TPF. First game was HS JV Boys, I might have called it a bit tight the first 5 minutes still thinking I was in the HS V girls game from the night before, my partner said I was fine though. 1st half foul count was 7-0 at one point and 12-3 at the half, everyone really loved that, let me tell ya.

The technical was in an 8G game.
But is a coach literally asking for a technical an automatic technical in your opinion?