Last year my chapter had a senior umpire involved in a close play, an argument and a valid ejection of a player for charging the umpire and making contact. Following the game the player and his Dad/Coach followed the umpire to his car and threatened and harassed both umpires until the police eventually had to be called....
The game occurred on an the evening of our weekly summer chapter meeting. After hearing the story a phone call was made to the league.......and they were told by our association president that NO umpires will be reporting for ANY games until the offenders were punished..........
end result, Dad/coach banned from league permanently, Player suspended for the rest of the season.....
Makes paying the association dues worth every Im hoping that your association group will back you up and offer support......and some training and guidance on conflict management......
[Edited by piaa_ump on Jun 22nd, 2005 at 12:11 PM]