Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by AtlUmpSteve
what purpose would this rule change serve? Simply to make the ball dead?
That is how I have been reading / understanding it.
And, since the case book does not include a case play where another runner assists a runner who missed home, the closest case play is 8.8-21, where the ODB assists the runner. The ruling says
Dead ball. R1 rules out and run nullified. (8-7E Effect) Dead ball runner assistance only occurs after a runner has scored.
I took this case play to be illustrating the reason for the exception: i.e. a dead ball. If they wanted to illustrate that
no one, not even another runner may assist a runner who has scored (which is the
main reason for the rule change??), why didn't they write the case play having R1 score and come back to assist R2 who missed the base?
[Edited by Dakota on Jun 21st, 2005 at 12:40 PM]