Originally posted by Jay R
R2 is stealing third base and slides in safely. The ball gets away from the 3B and rolling in foul territory. R2 immediately asks for time not realising that the ball has gotten away.
Should I a) ignore his request because the play is not over or b) grant him time because he is only hurting himself.
BTW, there were no other runners on base.
I disagree with the others.
When is playing action over?
In this play there were NO OTHER runners to worry about and R2 was NOT going ANYWHERE and requested TIME, therefore, Grant it.
Why keep the play alive because the offense was not smart.
If there are other runners to worry about, then I say allow play to continue, but in this case we only had to worry about R2 so if he wants time then so be it.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth