Originally posted by Mattm011767
As an umpire in Indiana... a few points of clarification.
State tournament officials are selected in all sports by coaches votes and how far you have advanced previously in the playoffs as the main criteria.
The umpire in question did lose his next two assignments, which would have included the state semifinals. He might also be relegated back to the beginning of the cycle as far as eligibility goes starting next season.
The state association does not allow protests of any kind and it was rejected on that point alone. Other states I have worked in also do not allow protests.
Hope this helps!
Again that's rediculous. An umpire makes a horrible mistake by NOT knowing a rule - a basic rule at that and one that has not changed in a lonnnng time.
And all he loses is two assisgnments - that means he could have called the state finals - ARGHH!
The lack of backbone from our states never ceases to amaze me - and our state is in the same boat as I mentioned above.
You cost a team a shot at a championship and all we do is say "we sorry" and slap the officials hand.
And why were the other two officials not suspended also - there is no way I would have left the field with such a ruling. Stay and get it right!
And also as we all know, just goes to show how much coaches know at umpiring and rating umpires.