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Old Fri Jun 17, 2005, 10:01am
Antonella Antonella is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 120
The only rule we found to justify such a call was ISF
Rule 7. Sec.6-l point 2(italian: 2. Intralcia intenzionalmente il ricevitore mentre si trova nel box del battitore).
But I agree with those who said a simple dead ball call + a 'don't do that anymore' will be enough.
Apply INTF rule only IF a steal play occurr.

I would like to underline just two little things:
- the ump was a baseball ump (a GOOD baseball one) and he probably didn't know ANYTHING about the rule I cited before
- quite funny the call was a (???) wellcome call since no-one said absolutely nothing about it (if you take a look to the batter... she seems to assent to the ump's call like 'you're right - it was my fault).

Thanks to everybody. I will tell the others about this thread.

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