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Old Thu Jun 16, 2005, 10:05pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by JCrow
The additional timeouts in NBA Games have taken "endurance" out of the contest. I simply can't watch regular season games due to the inordinate number of TO's. It's not even basketball.
There are less timeouts in an NBA game than there is in a college game. There are 8 TV timeouts in a college game, plus 4 fulls and 2 30s for each team. In the NBA, there's a timeout between quarters and each team gets 6 fulls and 2 20s. That's 20 timeouts over 40 minutes, compared to 18 timeouts over 48 minutes.

Now, who's taken the endurance out of basketball?
Awesome answer. Nothing gets by you, does it?
Pope Francis
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