Originally posted by bellsjc
David B
I am surprised you rarely use 3rd base line extended. I find it difficult to see the swipe tag on a runner hook sliding inside when I am 1st base line extended. I get a real good look at the tag when I am 3rd base line extended. I find that the key is to be positioned at the point of the plate and then adjust according to the throw. When I first started umpiring, I never used 3rd base line extended. I almost always positioned between the catcher and the runner on the 3rd base side.
Exactly. I didn't say I didn't use it, just rarely.
IMO the best position to see everything is 1B extended. But as you stated, when there is a rare play it takes you toward 3B extended.
But, how many hook slides do you see at the plate?
Usually the one that takes you to 3B extended is the throw up the line where F2 is moving and then has to reach back for the tag, but I've found you can see that just as well at 1B extended.
Bottom line personal preference, but I've seen more missed calls with umpires in 3B extended especially with young umpires so that's why I don't recommend it.
As you gain more experience, you do what works.
Good point though