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Old Wed Jun 15, 2005, 06:57am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by debeau
Hell Irishmafia Ive got to agree with you (damn I swore thats me gone ).
We arnt profanity police .
And as for dsimp8 . What was said that warranted an ejection . Maybe it was a horrible call and hey after a stand up strike out he was frustrated .
As umpires we have to be thick skinned , if we arnt we wont survive .
Personally if a player swears its up to tornament directors or league organisers ,, but if they swear directly at me then they are gone .
I suppose I could stretch rule 10(9) 1 ISF Rules .
Players and managers may not make disparaging or insulting remarks to players , spectators officials or commit other remarks that could be seen as unsportsman like .
Penalty is removal or ejection .
The player got ejected for making it personal. Like I said, the biggest buzz word to any sports official is "you". It is also how and where it is stated. The father carried this to a personal level by offering a hand and then continuing the argument in which was an obvious attempt to degrade the umpire in front of players, fans and colleague.

Being "thick skinned" is ridiculous. Yes, you shouldn't be looking for trouble and avoid it when possible. However, an umpire who blindly turns away from public abuse is doing no one any favors. Just like children, those players and coaches who act like idiots will continue to do so until it is addressed. And, no, they will not tone it down themselves. Then some rookies run into these idiots and think, "Hell, they don't pay me enough for this." Gone. Just lost an umpire. We don't need to lose umpires to anything other than old age.

I recruit 365 days a year and 9 of 10 people I approach simply state that they will have nothing to do with umpiring because, "You guys take too much ****". So, as long as umpires continue to be "thick skinned" and absorb the abuse, the ranks of umpiring will diminish and the abuse will escalate to attacks on property and person. If you think I'm kidding, I have already had two umpires in this area, one hit with an intentionally thrown ball and the other with the windows to their car shattered. Both of them are the "nice guy" type of umpire who will hesistate ejecting a player or coach, and if they do, will not report it to the league for appropriate action.

Rant off!
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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