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Old Tue Jun 14, 2005, 10:38pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally posted by Stair-Climber
Also, I have noticed a significant increase this year from last year in coaches instructing runners to immediately call time as soon as they safely slide into base. I believe that many coaches believe that umps have to call time when runner asks for it.
I do not grant time unless I see a reason to grant it; a runner who can stand up without challenge, and dust herself off without any issue is not a reason to call time. A fielder who doesn't wish to throw the ball to the pitcher in the circle is not a reason (unless the ball is obviously wet). A coach wanting his players to do either of the above is not a valid reason. I will tell a player or a coach "no" to a request for time when I see no valid reason fo it; fastpitch isn't baseball or slow pitch, and killing the play without reason just isn't part of that game. If a coach requests time, he better have a valid reason, be making a substitution, or have a charged conference left. When a coach tells me "that's what we teach them to do", my response is "you better teach them something else".

A player prone on the ground and a fielder who won't take off the tag and end the play properly is a valid reason to call time. Wheb done properly, timely,and with obvious distain, most players learn not to hold the tag to that ridiculous end. A wet or unplayable ball is a valid reason; a dislodged base is a valid reason.

[Edited by AtlUmpSteve on Jun 14th, 2005 at 11:42 PM]
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