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Old Mon Jun 13, 2005, 11:54am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Bfair
While Yeast may have emphasized the need for officials to assure pitchers come to a complete stop, I doubt if he wanted his directive to mean situations where no advantage could be gained (such as perhaps a pitcher throwing from the set position with no runners on base). But will Yeast support this call? Of course he will. The official was carrying out HIS emphasis---despite applying it poorly for the situation at hand. Still, I'd strongly suspect that Yeast cringed when he saw the call.............
Steve --

You're projecting your feelings about the call onto Yeast -- there's no way you can say how he might have reacted unless you were there (or talked with someone who was).

What we do know is that Yeast publically praised a similar call (and, in my judgment, a play that was much closer to being "legal") made earlier in the season. He did so on one of he periodic videos posted on the NCAA website. There was no reason for him to use the clip on the web-site if he didn't believe it and want it enforced.
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