Need some opinions: I am a 2d year umpire and feel comfortable with my on field performance. On Monday evenings, I have men's slow pitch recreational league.
The ASA has a new rule on profanity. The coaches/captains have been advised of this rule by me personally and I have enforced it with consistency.
My rule of thumb to the coaches is "I can't call what I can't see. If I don't hear it, it was never said. (In regards to profanity)If you have to ask don't say it or If you can't say it around mom don't say it."
I give the coach an opportunity to correct the situation before giving the team warning regarding profanity. They have been told that the warning precedes the assessment of an "out" when they are at the plate.
In one game, I assessed the out when they came to bat. I explained to the coach the action that caused the assessment. One of his players asked me if he could say "Bull Crap!" and I responded by assessing the second out. After that point there was no more profanity from that team.
Please share your thoughts on this incident. Again, I am comfortable with my handling of the situation. I just would appreciate any thoughts.