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Old Mon Jun 13, 2005, 07:40am
ChrisSportsFan ChrisSportsFan is offline
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Originally posted by Snake~eyes
Anyone know why Jack Nies put the ball down on the floor? I didn't really catch the whole thing, looked like he tried to hand it to Rasheed Wallace and he didn't take it, so Nies just put the ball on the floor next to him.

Anyone get a better look at it?
He actually tossed it up to him once and Sheed never raised his hands to catch it so Jack ran after the ball and did it again. Sheed never attempted to catch it, just looked at him with that smirk so Jack put it on the floor and started a rather quick count. He was well within the rules to do it and without knowing what their conversation was, I'd have to say Sheed was just being an idiot. Sigh!
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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