Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
What age group and gender are we talking here? If we've got a girls game or younger players, it usually takes less contact to equal a foul. In situation A, which hand was A1 dribbling with when B2 hit his left hip? If A1 lost the ball because of the contact, then I've got a foul. I think you need a patient whistle here because if there was minor contact and then the ball still stayed with team A then maybe you pass.
In situation 2, I've probably got a throw in for team A. Save time and the unless the contact was severe or B2 has been messing with the flow of your game. [/B][/QUOTE]
Chris - thank you. I am looking for the "patient whistle" in both situations. I am attempting to instill the fact that we need to see the whole play from start to finish. Many referees have a quick whistle and do not officiate advantage/disadvantage. I know many have asked about the severity of the contact and how their view may be different than mine. I understand what you are explaining.