Originally posted by Steve M
Should you stop ALL that? No, just some. Between innings, leave the ball alone. If a fielder tosses it to you, put it on top of the rubber after you sweep that off. Let fielders get the rolling fouls - I really like this one since I was a "hands of stone" type when I played the field. All fouls that have gone out of play need to come back to you (PU) since you've already put another ball into play - by handing it to the catcher & letting the catcher throw it to the pitcher. As for checking the fouls off the batter, I only do that when something sounds or looks odd.
Steve M,
Particularly when I am the base ump I feel like I oughta do something... clean the pitchers plate, brush a bag,
rub the balls. Since I don't talk to fans, and rarely talk to a partner, I guess I make up stuff to look busy.