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Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 08:01am
whiskers_ump whiskers_ump is offline
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Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by Rachel
That was awesome. Great job Michigan. Those of us from the mid-west were cheering for you.
Another pet peeve of mine with those idiots they allow to speak over a perfectly good softball game.

Why is it that these folks always note, as Holly Rowe did last night, that Michigan represented the "East coast"?

Well, I'm from the East coast and Michigan is no where near here. This has been going on for as many years as the games have been on TV. East of the Mississippi is no big deal, but that does not qualify anything to be labeled as from the East coast.

They don't know the rules, some don't really know any part of the game than what they play and they obviously don't know what a map of the U.S. looks like.

When is ESPN going to wake up? After all, they ARE on the East coast.

Rant off!
Well, that answers my question on Holly Rowe.

I knew she probably was no kin, but the thought of asking had entered my mind.
glen _______________________________
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