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Old Wed Jun 08, 2005, 09:39pm
Saltydog Saltydog is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 55
Here's the sitch that happened during one of our Calvin ball games tonight: nice line drive to left center. R1 and R2 take off. Fielders converging on ball that is rapidly rolling to outfield fence... no wait... who is that in the outfield? Why it's the COACH'S DAUGHTER, who has decided to cross the outfield on her way to join her TEAM on the home side. She is not in uniform... she had a concert tonight. And one fielder has to dodge her to get to the ball. (figure the odds). So is this an interferce call on a spectator, ergo dead ball? Or a case of 'Gee, coach, don't you're players know not to cross the outfield during a game'?
This is what makes U12 and U10 ball so much fun;-)
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