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Old Wed Jun 08, 2005, 08:07am
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Clinton Township, NJ
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REPLY: Just an note on Play #2. A friend of mine currently works in the NFL and has worked prior to that in the Big East. [Note, this doesn't make me any better of an official; it just gets me access to better information!] Their view on calling this foul is this: If the kick is short--like an onsides kick--call this one very tight. Any part of the kicker breaking the plane of K's restraining line draws a flag. If, however, the kick is deep, be very liberal on the call. Only flag those infractions that are extremely obvious such as when a member of K has stepped beyond his line before the ball is kicked. I know that this is not the same situation as the posted play, but the situation is related and I thought I'd offer it up for you to think about.

Dommer...have you spoken to our "friend" since you got your new assignment??
Bob M.
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