Ok, I know this has been hashed out before but I cannot find the thread for the life of me. I'm pretty confident in my ruling, but I have the coach again tomorrow night and I'm sure I will be questioned so I would like the exact rule to back me up.
Pitcher in set position, stretches, and comes to a stop.
Lifts his non pivot foot (breaking knee) as both knee and foot move towardst third base: (illustration below as seen from home)
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pitcher then turns and throws towards first. I call the balk, place runner on second. Coach comes out and we chat (very pleasantly). He says, "I disagree with you, but we'll go with it for now". He has questioned me about rules before so I want to be ready with the exact rule. The only one that I could find was that once the pitcher makes any motion normally associated with his pitch (which this leg lift is in my opinion), he must continue home without interruption. Is this the rule I'm looking for. If not, please enlighten me because I've been scouring for something else and have found nothing. Thanks in advance.
[Edited by U_of_I_Blue on Jun 7th, 2005 at 11:20 PM]