1) If I'm BU, I ask the PU: "Did you see anything differently that would make me change my call?". Obviously he did. I would then change my call. If the coach wants an explination, I tell him that I was screened, but my partner had a better angle on the feet. (BTW, coach can object to "procedure" all he likes - isn't gonna get him anywhere.) If I'm PU, I tell the BU what I saw and let him make the call. If the coach wants to talk to me about it, I'm refering him to my BU. I'm just another set of eyes, not the one making the call.
2) I'm not saying anything (combo of D and E). The OBS rule is in the book. Both coaches know the rule. I'll call it if I see it.
3) If it's the coach's players: I'm not saying anything. If it's one coach saying stuff to the other team's players, then I'm gonna talk USC with the coach.
We see with our eyes. Fans and parents see with their hearts.