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Old Tue Jun 07, 2005, 08:17am
w_sohl w_sohl is offline
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I was watching the Cubs/Blue Jays game last night. First inning there was a dropped third strike. Ball gets tipped and Michael Barret has the ball go off of the webbing of his glove, hits him in the mask, goes down to his knee and spins for a moment and then just before it hit the ground Barret secures the ball. Initially they ruled foul ball, after Barret showed the umpire that he had secured the ball they brought some of the other umpires in to discuss and they reversed the call to a caught third strike and called the batter out. The announcers (I know, I shouldn't be listening to them) said that they thought it had to be caught cleanly. I don't doubt that the umpires got it right, if they got together and discussed it 99% of the time they are going to get it right. However is this maybe that 1%?
"Contact does not mean a foul, a foul means contact." -Me
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