1-2 count, no runners on base. Pitch came in behind the batter...it grazed her back, struck the bat (still in her hand), and landed in foul territory. Batter made a legitimate attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch.
The big question is in which order did the ball hitting the batter and hitting the bat occur.
1) If the batter was hit first, you have a dead ball, therefore not possible to have a hit bat because the ball is already dead. If you then rule that she did attempt to get out of the way of the ball, you award her first base. If you rule that she did not attempt to get out of the way, it is still a ball on the batter and she stays at the plate.
2) If the ball hit the bat before it hit the batter, you have a foul ball.
I cannot fathom anyone ruling that she swung at the pitch when it went behing her, but I guess stranger things have happened, nevertheless, if it hit her bat first then contacted her, it would still be only a foul ball, then dead ball because it hit her while still in the box. (Similar to fouling off a ball, bouncing in the dirt and then striking the batter while still in the box.)