This situation came up in a recent game at which I was an observer, and I couldn't find something specific in the rule book or case book to address it (doesn't mean it isn't there, I just couldn't find it). NFHS rules were in play for this game.
1-2 count, no runners on base. Pitch came in behind the grazed her back, struck the bat (still in her hand), and landed in foul territory. Batter made a legitimate attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch.
The plate umpire called a strike. The logic here was clearly that, if she batted the ball, she must have, by definition, swung at the ball. And of course, if a player swings at a pitch that strikes her or any part of her uniform, a strike is called. In this case, strike three, and the batter was called out.
The alternative logic could have been to call a HBP, ruling that the batter did NOT swing at the pitch. Confusion abounded, offensive coach got very upset, etc.
My gut feel is that the umpire's ruling was correct, but I'm hoping to get some feedback from someone more seasoned.
Thanks in advance.
"Much of being smart is knowing what you're stupid at."