Thread: Kick or Fist
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Old Sat Jun 04, 2005, 01:36am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Nevadaref
I saw part of the Suns/Spurs last game and a play got me thinking.
After a SA basket, the ball dropped to the floor and bounced up a few feet inbounds. Steve Nash kicked the ball to his teammate who was OOB under the basket and he executed the throw-in.
I also saw a play in an AAU game this past weekend in which, again after a goal, the player who grabbed the ball out of the net tossed it to his OOB teammate who proceeded to punch it back to him. The OOB player never caught the ball. This served as the throw-in and the game continued.

Now forget the NBA, and put both of these plays in an NFHS game. I was thinking that both of these actions are violations. Even though the kick occurs prior to the throw-in, the ball is certainly at the disposal of the throwing team and thus live. The fist is even worse as it occurred during the throw-in itself (or more precisely WAS the throw-in.)

Would you make this call or look the other way? What are your thoughts?

A player shall not travel with the ball, as in 4-43, intentionally kick it, as in 4-29, strike it with the fist or cause it to enter and pass through the basket from below.
NOTE: Kicking the ball is a violation only when it is an intentional act; accidentally striking the ball with the foot or leg is not a violation.
PENALTY: The ball is dead when the violation occurs and is awarded to the opponents for a throw-in from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation.
I might call the kick, I"m not sure. I'd never call the fist. never.
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