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Old Thu Jun 02, 2005, 08:33pm
ABoselli ABoselli is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 710
Get the square flags and cinch them yourself with a rubber band. The ball types that come already done up have always either slipped out of my pants (they slide easier because of the nylon) or they slide right down my pant leg. You can definitely heave them a bit farther, but you really don't have to when you're just starting out. I think the ball is too big, also.

Get a basic plastic finger whistle (or two). If you want to go all out, get a Fox40 pealess. If you start out with it, you'll be used to it. It sits up a little higher than a regular finger whistle. Get a lanyard whistle if you wish and see if you prefer it. Many an inadvertant whistle has been averted because I had to bring the whistle up to my mouth rather than having it right there already. In that split second, one can think, "hey, the ball is loose - the player isn't down. No whistle"

If you wish to go prematurely deaf, get a metal Acme Thunderer and blow it often.
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