Pretty sure this is a HTBT play, but it cost the coach the rest of the game, since he decided to scream "you're crazy, that's a stupid call, you're an idiot, READ THE RULE BOOK you idiot."
ASA rules, 14U ball, average teams, I'm PU.
2 outs, no runners on.
Slow rolling "swinging bunt" down first baseline. Ball starts in foul territory then makes way back into fair territory about 35 feet down the line (just past the 30 foot lane).
Pitcher attempts to field the ball (on a full sprint) touching it in fair territory, but rolling it just foul. Her momentum takes her into the path of the runner, causing the runner to slow down and hit the fielder. Fielder is knocked to the ground. Runner stops, goes further into foul territory to go around fielder, who is on the ground in the 30 foot lane. Runner continues on to first base. Fielder gets up and throws the runner out by about 1 step.
Coaches, both friends of mine look at me because I have my left arm out. I called time and placed the runner on first.
I confer with my partner (a relatively "newbie" to umpiring) and ask a series of yes/no questions.
1. Was the ball fair?
2. Was the runner in "the chute"?
3. Was the fielder fielding the ball, or attempting to field the ball, when contact was made?
4. Did the fielder impede the runners progress?
To all my questions, except #3, he answers YES.
I attempt to tell defensive coach what we saw, and his tirade begins. Thus, he left the "building."
My question to you's:
...From my explanation, what do you have and why?