Originally posted by hardball3b
DG hit the nail on the head. Batter come up, see's a pitch, decides he needs a different bat to adjust to the pitches and that, to me, produces and advantage. I have NEVER seen a pro or college game where this has occured.
Which tells you nothing. Bet you've also never seen a pro or college game where the umpire refused to allow a bat switch, either.
Pro, they're using wood bats [not a heck of a lot of variation is possible]; they are professionals, for goodness sake, they surely know what tools they want to use when they first approach the plate. Seeing one pitch isn't gonna change their minds.
College, we're talking aluminum/plutonium alloy. Bubba is coming to the plate with his very own, personally selected, $500 bat here.
"Gee, that guy is tossing the split-finger with a 64* counter-Mobius rotation: I'd best borrow Clancy's stick." - I think not.
Don't be an OOO.
If B is not "adjusting" every pitch, or taking an undue amount of time to get the different bat: let him!