Tue May 31, 2005, 10:56pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 4,022
Originally posted by largeone59
i ordered a balk video over a month and a half ago, and it has not come in yet.
apparently, the company they use to make the copies of the video sent in a bad batch (or two) and people were complaining of the video quality. so instead of sending out bad videos and having to recall all of them, they are just delaying the shipping of the new orders.
but regardless, it's been a month and a half and after calling them 3 times, i want my damn balk video. the jerks will probably still charge me full price for it too. they're lucky the video is as good as it is. haha
It is amazing that anyone still uses video vs. DVD.