Originally posted by Spence
Runner on first. Left handed first baseman holding the runner. F3 has one foot in foul territory. Umpire calls 'illegal pitch' as the pitcher throws and awards 2nd base to R1 for a 'fielder's balk'.
Where is that in the rulebook?
If memory serves, (perhaps Papa C can fill in the details), the last time a Fielder's balk was called was on Jerry Remey of the BOSOX. He positioned himself behind F1 completely in Foul Territory.
The rule was later changed.
As far as the Catcher's balk is concerned, again it is common practice not to call unless you are Bobby Cox.
Bottom Line: These are nit-pick'n rules and unless one of the coaches complains ie; Bobby "V" of the Mets, leave it alone.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth