Originally posted by coachfanmom
I'm sorry for the confusion......
Please understand that there were no racial comments presented by me.
I don't know what the "racial" thing referred to - nothing in this thread hints of anything racial.
the "its a racial thing" comment was directed at the "Seems like a deeper situation than we need to know." I didn't want to get deeper into that aspect of it because to me that doesn't make a difference at all. I was just defining what the "deeper situation" was without going into details.
I'm sorry if I made it seem that you were the one that said something racial......that was not what I meant at all and I apologize.
If this was a travel team, then I would also consider the coach's solution of sitting the player whose relative is being disruptive to be entirely within bounds. Next step would be to cut the player from the team.
This is a travel team and that is why the head coach told this parent what she did.
That's the way to handle the situation. Punish the child because the 'adults' don't know how to control the situation. These types disgust me.
That is why I asked my question because I don't feel that it is fair to punish the child for something out of her control. What disgust me is the relative that can't control her mouth and is not only a bad example for her niece but for every other player on the field too.
This sounds more like you are looking for problem resolution help than umpire help.
I guess I should have started my question out by saying...."is there anything in the rulebook that could help this situation" instead of "what do you do".
I apologize for the confusion and didn't mean to upset anyone......Question is now closed........Sorry.
Sunny crawls back into her corner tucking her tail between her legs 
Speaking for myself and several others, just because someone responds the way we do, it's not automatic that we're angry or offended, it's just the comment. These are good situations that some have not came across yet and it's good to know how to handle just in case.