Originally posted by Yerout
The courtesy runner rule in NSA is quite different. The CR must be in the batting lineup
To answer the original question, the umpire was correct in making the team go back to the "next out" who was not the catcher. The NSA rule is for the last player to make an out or any player not currently in the game may run for the pitcher or catcher at any time. They do not have to wait for there to be two outs.
Rule 4, section 6, F - Courtesy Runner: The player in the batting order where the last out was recorded or any player not currently in the game may replace the current (the player physically playing the position when the 3rd out was recorded) pitcher or catcher as a courtesy runner at any time. The pitcher or catcher will remain in the game
and the courtesy runner will retain all substitution rights (If the courtesy runner had substitution rights). A player can be used only once per inning as a courtesy runner. Should the player that made the last recorded out be on base for any reason, or batting or has already been a courtesy runner in that inning; the new courtesy runner would be determined by going back previous outs to the next allowable courtesy runner or to any runner not currently in the game. If in the first inning a courtesy runner is used for either the pitcher or catcher (who are listed on the line up when the line ups are turned in) and there are no outs recorded, the courtesy runner will be the player furthest removed from the pitcher or catcher needing the courtesy runner or any player not currently in the game. The pitcher or catcher must bat and reach base legally in order to be eligable for the courtesy runner.
NOTE: The pitcher or catcher may be used as a courtesy runner.