Originally posted by cbfoulds
You actually had the lodged-ball-take-the-glove-off-&-toss-the-package sitch?
I've had the games where one or both pitchers can't touch the ball w/o balking: as others have said, adjust your frame of reference and only call what you have to. But HS Varsity [possibly excepting the tiny private/church schools]? Call what you see.
And the "you're not the star" comment(s): you know this guy's son - is Papa trying to work you, or is he an a$$#ole in real life, as well? I believe that fellow would be the recipient of a brief, but information-packed talking-to, and his next "contribution" would likely be his last for the day.
Here our private-church schools recruit like mothers (alledgedly)...They aren't necessarily as good as the big public schools, but they definitely compete. In Varsity HS ball, call the book. That's what Fed and the State santioning body wants, and the umpires that didn't make these calls are doing a disservice to all involved.