Originally posted by blueump
I guess this is the best place to spout, cause I wish you guys actually were close enough to do games around here. Knowing the rule book has become a curse to me!
In last night's game I made 2 major calls (lodged ball in glove and runner interference) that I really caught flack for. I know the calls were solid, but both were based on rules that "nobody else has called on us all year" (man if I had a dollar for everytime I heard that!) In fact I also called a balk for a fake pickoff to first (never stepped off...and "never called all year"), warned 2 different pitchers about not wiping off his fingers after going to his mouth ("your the first guy to mention that all year"), called about 4 other balks as well. In fact, the home team scorer told me that we were the only umps to call balks on them all year. She even had to ask the coach what a "balk" was. I get all the comments from the coaches and crowd - "why don't you just let the kids decided this game?" and the one that for some reason bugged me the most "why do you insist on being the star of the show, nobody is here to watch you!" etc...
At what point do I just shut my mouth and call what "everyone else expects you to call" and not what is right? I'd catch a lot less grief!
The rule book is NOT a curse, its your weapon.
But, knowing how and when to use it takes lots of practice and some practical experience.
1) Who cares what someone in the stands says.
2) If the comments are from a coach, there are rules in the book as to how to handle it.
I warn pitchers all the time, but 90% of the time no one on the field knows it except for the pitcher or cather.
There are ways to get around making a big deal out of little things.
But, if these teams are going to the playoffs, they are going to get a rude awakening when they get real umpires calling their games.