Dude, how hard can that hurt? She's 9. Get some shin guards and man up. Your strike zone should NOT change from one pitcher to the next, regardless of the fact that you're taking a beating
Dude, she probably threw 45 mph, with no idea where her drop was going (except into the ground. The pitches that hit my shin guards, chest protector, mask and cup did not hurt. The ones that hit the back of my hands, fingers, and arms did hurt and it happened several times. I do not rely on my quick reactions to keep from getting hit. I do not move or flinch. If this coach wanted to mix in her drop as practice once in a while, I would stayed where I was, but he every pitch he called was a drop and none of them reached the plate. He was not concerned about throwing strikes. We played a five run max per inning and all 5 runs scored each inning were walked in. I did not have to worry about my strike zone changing. I could clearly see that the pitches did not reach the plate.