I have watched this thread develp with some amusement and some dismay.
If the cathcers ability or inablity is the issue, you need to make some decisions.
If you cannot call YOUR game because the catcher is so poor, you should talk to the coach.
I don't think you should tell the coach to make changes BUT you can tell him he may not get too many strkes called if you can't see it.
NOW, let me qualify this by saying that I worked a Gold team that decided to try out a "new" catcher who quite frankly sucked.
The pitcher was hitting her mark perfectly but the catcher never got a glove on it.
After getting hit in the exact same place on five pitches in a row, I told the coach we needed a "real" catcher or the game was going to get real long.
The coach objected and so did I.
I had a serious bruise for over two months.
I mean getting hit in the exact same spot by a Gold level pitcher 5 times in a row, that hurts.
I stayed in the slot and took the hits But when the point came that I was twitching and jumping, I told the coach a change was needed.
I have been beat up by many younger kids and had a few bruises too but I never remember telling a coach he had to make a change.
I sure encouraged it though!