Thread: Balk
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Old Thu May 26, 2005, 10:36pm
Macaroo Macaroo is offline
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Posts: 67
I would judge this a balk for the "pause" (interruption) in his delivery. Just because he does it every time does not make it legal.

Age 13/14 I (as umpire) would let the kid or coach know what he is doing wrong so he can correct it. Older kids, briefly explain why this is a balk.

Your problem seems that the umpire did not feel it was a balk, or he does not understand the rule or whatever. So, you have to decide to live with it, or keep bringing it up each time the kid pitches. Even if you know your are right, it is sometimes better to let it go.

The rule requires that he must join hands, pitch, throw, or disengage without hesitation or interruption. If the umpire is allowing this, perhaps instruct your runners to "GO!" when he is in his pause. Likely he will balk (again).

Maybe some others will deem this "raised leg pause" to be legal. As far as trying to decieve a runner, I don't think any balk I ever called was an attempt by the pitcher to purposely "decieve the runner." I think the pitcher just screwed up and committed an illegal movement.
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