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Old Thu May 26, 2005, 10:13am
Goose Goose is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 59
Totally Against

I'm totally against it. I think it cheapens sports. I see this as a major rat hole too.

Forget Nike, Addias, Pepsi, and so forth. They are the big guns. What will, and would most likely happen are kids running around with uniforms advertising, Joe's Crab Shack, or Big Al's Tires. Save it for the rec leagues.

The vast majority of HS's are rural and therefore would not get the big boys. Instead it would be Billy Bob's Bar-B-Q.

Not to mention, once the pen is opened, what's to say that Bud, Coors, etc. will not try and get in on a good thing. This then would go down a national legal rat hole where one industry sues the FED because they are not allowed to advertise, while say Burger King can. Then we fight another battle as to what is worse, Burger King or the King of Beers?

Lastly, who gets the money? Let's see, the NCAA has been under increasing pressure to pay some amount to athletes since some colleges reap huge profits off their play. When Doug Flutie was at B.C., it was estimated that he generated over 10 million dollars for the university, yet he did not recieve a dime apart from a free education.

Fast forward. Here comes the next Lebron. The big boys want to advertise not so much for the school, but to possibly make a contact with a future cash cow. So they advertise on the school uniforms and such. In other words, they take care of the school. The parents of the next Lebron might not see it that way, and want compensation in some form for them using his or her rights. You know, a promotional picture? How about an early basketball card? Could they use this persons image in an advertising campaign even if local?

Don't say it won't happen, cause it is all over the NCAA with shoe deals and uniform deals. As they say, crap rolls down hill. I don't have a problem with the manufacturing logo, but that is it. I'll draw the line there. And who's to say that a parent wants their child/student running around advertising "The Pussycat Lounge" or "Porky's Bar-b-Q" especially when they are Jewish? Refuse to take those ad's....that might and in this day and age, would probably be challenged in court. What some consider normal and valid companies, others do not. So where would one draw the line?

Referees whistle while they work..
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