Thread: Sick of it All!
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Old Wed May 25, 2005, 08:42pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by SSLL Pres
My board members won't do crap, as far as helping run the league. I've got people willing to do the field work (mowing, dragging, etc.). I need help with the aspects that the board was supposed to be helping with from the beginning (sposorships, uniforms, etc.). Yes, I have people that were supposed to do those things, but they won't. Being nice about it got nothing done, so I kind of let them have it one day. Well, that didn't work either. They all got mad at me. I finally realized I'm on my own.
SSLL Pres,
Welcome to the forum.

Been there.
You should be at the point where the league can run itself to finish it's regular season.

Do what you need to do to fulfill your responsibilities as League President.

Coach like you want to coach and quit worrying about the delegated chores being done.

If things aren't working out with players send the problem to the Player Representative. If umpires aren't showing up, send the problem to the league Umpire-in-Chief. If the fields are shoddy send the problem to the Safety Officer.

Take a breath. Realize that this is a league problem and not a personal problem.

You start enjoying your kids games.

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