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Old Wed May 25, 2005, 06:45pm
drothamel drothamel is offline
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I don't have a problem with corporate sponsorship of high school athletics at all. It is a great revenue stream for the schools, and good PR for the companies. The best thing to do would be to open it up to each district individually. Doing this would serve two purposes: 1) Schools maintain their autonomy, because some localities won't like the idea. 2) It prevents a big copmany, like Nike, from monopolizing athletics in a whole state.

To me, the ideal thing would be to have these teams sponsored by local businesses, not the Nikes of the world. Plus, there isn't much incentive for the big corporations to get involved, with the exception of athletic companies, becuase the kids aren't on TV to the point where the advertising would pay off on a national scale.

School business sponsors usually get involved because they like to help the kids, not for the return on investment. Think of little leagues around the country with "XYZ Construction" or "Mom and Pop Grocery" on the back of jerseys. I imagine, or at least hope, that High School team sponsorship would be much the same.

As far was what to do with the money is concerned, I think it depends on who raises it. If it is going to be up to the athletic departments to raise it, then they deserve most, if not all of the proceeds. If the districts are going to be the ones doing the procuring, then divide the money as they see fit.

I like the idea, but I can also see it having a lot of problems. The potential problems is one reason to let each district decide how they would like to handle the situation. Maybe the politicians in Oregon will pass a bill that at least opens the possibility for districts to use corporate sponsorhip to raise funds.

At the high school in my county, there is a very good program that gets handed out at each game. The atheletic boosters have had much success selling ad space in it over the years. That is just another example of how corporate sponsorship can have benefits.

My guess is the the NFHS will go ballistic at the sight of corporate logos on jerseys. They will forbid those states from having members on the board of directors, etc. But in reality, does anyone really care? I mean, as evidenced on this board, states have always created their own rules and acted in what they feel are their own best interests with regard to athletics. I am sure life will go on, with or without the logos.
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