Wed May 25, 2005, 11:05am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Washington State
Posts: 209
Mimicing a pitch?
Originally posted by 3appleshigh
R1 - Right handed pitcher.
Pitcher in stretch comes to the set position. Looks toward the base runner, (head turn only). Lifts his Pivot foot, straight up in the air as High as he can, (like a lefty pitcher would do with his free foot before deciding home or first base) then steps off and quickly spins to see what runner is doing.
Now I balked this, I said and still believe this particular fact, the pitcher did this action for the sole purpose of decieving the runner. I also believed at the split second, but am waivering now that the move is {"mimicing"} a motion naturally associated with a pitch.
Has anyone else ever seen this, is it a balk? What are your thoughts??
I don't think that the pitcher could have delivered a legal pitch after the pivot foot was lifted, so I don't see how this move mimics a pitch.