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Old Tue May 24, 2005, 04:39pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by AtlUmpSteve
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by dsimp8
IRISHMAFIA- Do you know what page it is in the ASA Rule Book?I'd like to bring it up at our next umpire meeting.
Not everything is in the rule book. This is an interpretation from members of the NUS.

As I said, you could SELL interference, but I've been told not to do it.

Now, if the runner is already well on his/her way and the batter interferes with the pitched ball, yeah, I might call the INT.
Casebook Play 7.5-2
(SP only). Batter is in the batters box. The pitched ball is thrown and the batter reaches out and catches an inside pitch.

RULING: The ball is dead when touched by the batter. The umpire shall call the pitch a ball or a strike (7-5E, 7-4I).

Casebook play 7.6-15
(FP, SP with stealing) A batter reaches up to catch an inside pitch as a base runner attempts to steal.

RULING: The ball is dead. This would be a form of interference on the batter who is called out and the runner is returned to the base occupied at the start of the pitch (7-6P, 8-7C).

Looks like Bob and Bernie were overruled on this one.

Well aware of this CB play which is why I asked if there was any change this year. Didn't get an answer.

However, you will note that I concurred that if stealing, I may call the INT. But that would most likely only happen if the runner was off immediately and you don't see that very often.

Also, my reference wasn't Bernie though I would think it would be the same.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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