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Old Tue May 24, 2005, 01:21pm
Little Jimmy Little Jimmy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Maryland (northeast of Baltimore)
Posts: 371
In a similar vein to one of the last posts, but a little different. After doing a big chunk of a lower level rec season I've got to know some of the habits of the individual players. There's one girl who when faced with an inside pitch that's on it's way to hitting her will instinctively reach her hand out as protection. The other night she almost caught the ball (this is 11-12 fast pitch but the ball still can be quite slow). I've been calling hit by a pitch and awarding first. Defensive coach wants interference the other night but I can't go with it.

Once again the ball was going to hit her even without the hand. AltUmpSteve mentioned ASA casebook 7.6-15 as a reason to rule interference. Do you think this applies in my scenario?
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