Thread: Play at home
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Old Tue May 24, 2005, 09:30am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by officialtony

Based on this statement, I am more convinced there is no interference. The batter has every right to strike at the ball to enable his squeeze play to succeed. If the batter . . " did not pull back from the bunt . . " this is a perfectly legal play and requires the catcher to make his best play - AS LONG AS B1 DOES NOT ATTEMPT TO INTERFERE WITH THE PLAY AT THE PLATE. Just being there does not constitute interference.
I do not think it matters if the batter attempts to interfere with the play or not, they can interfere unintentionally. In this play it sounds like he was not in any way "in the way" of the catcher to make a play. I think the BU overstepped his bounds on this play. He should have left well enough alone.

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