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Old Mon May 23, 2005, 02:40pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
I'm sure I saw an ESPN report that claimed Huggins' grad rate was 0%. Not a single graduation in like 10 years or whatever. Are your graduation stats more recent, or am I thinking of the wrong program?
The problem with the graduation rates only include players that started at a school and got their degree. I do not know about this list, but it does not include transfers or players that do not graduate within the 5 year time frame (accounting for red shirts years I believe). Huggins like a lot of university basketball programs get transfers. So a player like Will Bynum out of Chicago went to Arizona and played his freshman year. Bynum later transferred to Georgia Tech and is on schedule to graduate. Now if and when Bynum does graduate it will not count toward either Arizona's or Georgia Tech's graduation rates.

Until the NCAA considers graduation rates of players that in different ways graduation rates are going to be a problem for many schools with the NCAA. Most of the schools in this country have graduation rates higher with their sports teams than the regular student population.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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