Since we're all sharing...
I also had a very intense basketball weekend. Saturday, three games in the qualifying tournament for the BCI thingy. Two 18yo games, and one 13yo game. The 18 games were both very,very fast, and hard fought. The one game was between two state tournament teams. The other with two "classics" (or whatever it's called) teams with players who hope to go to the national BCI to get scholarships. The thing was, I did great. Had a very good partner, stayed ahead of the play and up with the ball. Handled coaches (see Stupid Coach thread), and generally felt great about the day.
Sunday was my biggest 3-whistle clinic. It was fantastic. People LOVE my teaching system, and both of my D1 evaluators who were there commended me for the work I was doing for "basketball officiating in Oregon." Many of my attenders have said that they intend to bring a carload of buddies next year, and I have two college assignors who are going to send their wannabes to my clinics next year. It's been fantastic. I worked a couple of games myself, and I have learned so much that I received a number of positive comments from clinicians about my progress.
In one game that I worked, the fans were chanting "Refs Suck!" Refs Suck!" during the second half. I heard it, knew what to do, and did it. Not one flash of red at all. I was amazed at my own attitude. I was doing a great job for the game, and I knew it. A bunch of ill-informed, bad-attitude parents didn't get under my skin at all. BIG BIG step for me!
And I finally got my hands on a men's mechanics manual!! And it wasn't even from a college ref. It was from someone who was studying, and hoping to move up. He plans to order a new one as soon as they come out, so he gave me the 2004-2005 one.
The only success left to rack up during this very successful venture would be for one of my campers to get picked up, and to get a few college games for myself.
Hey, BZ, sorry you're weekend was so lousy. Want to come to my clinic next weekend, and have a better one?