SCUmp - sorry, man, really not trying to hurt your head!! I know its an alalysis of one sentance in a rule that hardly anyone not wearing a blue uniform even knows the correct term for. ("Hey Blue, that shortstop committed INTERFERENCE on my runner!") Still, how we interpret this sentance in the play I describe means the difference between a "safe" and an "Out" if the runner goes for 2B so I thought it worth discussion.
CecilOne - I agree with you, and my original post may not have been clear. I am not putting my arm up if the BR meerly runs thru the orange bag overrunning 1B and returns directly to it. F3s position did not alter her path in this intance. I am not now giving them a "free try" at 2B. But if the BR is rounding 1B with no play and is forced to round on the outside of the orange bag instead of the inside of the white bag I say OBS and it occured between 1B and 2B.